XXXVIII. Oracle 8 functions
These functions allow you to access Oracle8 and Oracle7 databases. It
uses the Oracle8 Call-Interface (OCI8). You will need the Oracle8 client
libraries to use this extension.
This extension is more flexible than the standard Oracle
extension. It supports binding of global and local PHP variables
to Oracle placeholders, has full LOB, FILE and ROWID support
and allows you to use user-supplied define variables.
- Table of Contents
- OCIDefineByName Use a PHP variable for the define-step during a SELECT
- OCIBindByName Bind a PHP variable to an Oracle Placeholder
- OCILogon Establishes a connection to Oracle
- OCIPLogon Connect to an Oracle database and log on using a persistant connection.
Returns a new session.
- OCINLogon Connect to an Oracle database and log on using a new connection.
Returns a new session.
- OCILogOff Disconnects from Oracle
- OCIExecute Execute a statement
- OCICommit Commits outstanding transactions
- OCIRollback Rolls back outstanding transactions
- OCINewDescriptor Initialize a new empty descriptor LOB/FILE (LOB is default)
- OCIRowCount Gets the number of affected rows
- OCINumCols Return the number of result columns in a statement
- OCIResult Returns coulumn value for fetched row
- OCIFetch Fetches the next row into result-buffer
- OCIFetchInto Fetches the next row into result-array
- OCIFetchStatement Fetch all rows of result data into an array.
- OCIColumnIsNULL test whether a result column is NULL
- OCIColumnSize return result column size
- OCIServerVersion Return a string containing server version information.
- OCIStatementType Return the type of an OCI statement.
- OCINewCursor return a new cursor (Statement-Handle) - use this to bind ref-cursors!
- OCIFreeStatement Free all resources associated with a statement.
- OCIFreeCursor Free all resources associated with a cursor.
- OCIColumnName Returns the name of a column.
- OCIColumnType Returns the data type of a column.
- OCIParse Parse a query and return a statement
- OCIError Return the last error of stmt|conn|global.
If no error happened returns false.
- OCIInternalDebug Enables or disables internal debug output. By default it is disabled